How to Stay on Top of Your Game

First things first, in order to stay on top of your game you have to be on top of your game, so this newsletter should probably be called ‘How to get to the top of your game’ - but that doesn't have the same ring to it. So instead, not only will I tell you how to get there, but I'll teach you how to make ‘reaching the peak’ into a habit so that you keep that space at the top of your game occupied 24/7.

By ‘your game’ I mean your life. How to grab each day by the horns and make the most of every opportunity. From your first yawn in the morning to the closing of your book at night - it's about optimising that time. Don’t worry, I'm certainly not saying you need to be productive every minute of every day, but if you're anything like me you only have to look at your 'screen time' to know you're spending a little too much time aimlessly scrolling through social media, which only leads to negative thoughts - but that's for a whole different blog!

In the game of life, there are 7.7 billion people competing. However, that doesn't mean that we are in competition against the whole world for top spot, luckily for us in fact, there is a space for everyone. 

So, the million dollar question, how do we reach it…?

1. Just start now!

In over 10 years of coaching, one of the most common excuses I have heard is ‘I will start next…’ The word that follows this phrase varies between week, month and year but somehow always results in the same outcome… Can you guess what that is? 

Not getting anything done! I mean seriously, if you added all the time together that you spent putting things off, you would have enough time to do anything! So instead of pushing your task further and further into the future, just start now! 

In order to make this into a habit, try starting one new thing each week! Obviously don't overwhelm yourself with work, but making sure you’re starting (and finishing) one task a week will ensure that your time is never getting wasted!

2. Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Leaving your comfort zone may seem scary, but there is absolutely no better way to grow! Pushing yourself to try things you normally wouldn't equals new experiences, new knowledge and best of all - a bigger comfort zone! 

If you constantly push yourself to try new things then you will eventually be comfortable doing anything! So take the leap, attend the networking event, present to the crowd, whatever it may be, just challenge yourself. 

In order to make this into a habit, always keep an eye and an ear out for things you can sign yourself up for. If they aren't really up your street then even better - step out of your comfort zone and break through the grow-zone layer. 

3. Change with the times…

In our world of ever-evolving technology, it can be hard not to become left behind. We need to get used to embracing change, after all, change is the only constant in life. 

Learning to adapt with the times is a great skill, although it can be hard not to go overboard. Here is an example of something I changed recently in order to adapt with the times. 

This is my new website, which has been updated to adapt to the times. After a team audit we realised that our old website needed a bit of a revamp, so voila! Out with the old and in with the new… Check out the rest of the new website here

In order to make this one a habit, you need to keep up with the trends. One of the best ways to do this is to find people who are smashing it and use them as your template. Don’t copy what they do, be original. 

If you stick to these three top tips then there is absolutely no reason why you can't be top of your game! Just remember - start now, exit your comfort zone and change with the times…

If you enjoyed this blog and would like to find out more about smashing it in your personal and professional life then I highly recommend grabbing yourself a copy of my best-selling book ‘SMASH IT! The Art of Getting What YOU Want’ on Amazon!


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